Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Chatting with Bea

Bea is becoming a little talker and what she says is sending Henry into fits of laughter.  She copies everything he says which makes him feel really important and when she finds something that Henry thinks is funny, she repeats it many times, laughing along with him.  Some of the funny things she says are "poopy doggy" and "pinky toe".  She is constantly babbling nonsense which gets the biggest rise out of Henry because most of the time she's trying to be serious and stands in front of him telling him things, but we have no idea what she's saying.  She puts two words together pretty well and really loves practicing what she knows.  She loves assigning ownership to things and she's constantly giving everyone their things that they leave around the house.  One of the nicest things about her character is that she cleans up after herself.  If she takes something out, she puts it back.  If she notices things out of place, she puts them back where they belong.  Even when she's in a hurry and she accidentally makes a mess, she stops, turns around, fixes whatever she messed up and then keeps on her way.  When she spills water on the floor, she "tries" to wipe it up, she cleans herself off before she comes into the house and picks up the food she's dropped from her high chair.   She's just such a thoughtful little girl. 

Now that she's talking so much more I finally feel like she's not a baby anymore and I am feeling more confident that we can welcome another baby into the house.  She's getting to be such a big girl and she'll be a big sister in a week! I can't imagine her not being my little baby girl though.  I still love snuggling with her little body and I feel like she's such a tiny thing, which I know will change when I hold my new baby and I know I'll miss our moments together.  I truly hope I can still read to her every night and still have the sweet relationship with her that we have created.  I just hope she doesn't hate me after her sister is born.  I guess we'll just have to see.  I love you my darling little Bea. 


Sarah said...

That's so darling. Don't you love the nonsense talk? Eva babbles and always throws and "Elmo" in there somewhere. And way to go with the clean baby. I didn't know they came in the non-tornado model. I hope I get one of those next time.

Laurel Dougall said...

good luck delivering number 3, amelia!!! i'm sure the transition will be fine! bea will probably love being a second mom. :) lots of love, laurel

Lynn said...

What a great little one. She will be a wonderful big sister. The Lord planned this I such caring little ones and then to have the third come so easily. Congrats on such an easy delivery 8lbs 15 oz in only 10 minutes in the hospital. Pioneer stock for sure! Can't wait to see what's her name????