Sunday, April 25, 2010

Memories of Christ

The other day we were at the garden center looking at herbs and peat pots when Bea spied a small statue of Christ about her height and no sooner did she see it did she wrap her arms around it and start repeating to me, "Jesus, Jesus!"  I told her that she was right and then she started giving the statue kisses on the head.  Henry saw what was going on and joined in in the hugs and kisses and soon they were both hugging each other around the statue. I was really impressed that she had such a love for Christ at such a young age.  She has been so good lately at folding her arms for the entire prayer and saying her version of "amen" at the end.  She even kneels on her chubby little knees.  The amazing thing is that, being the second child, we haven't stressed a knowledge of Christ like we did with Henry.  I was just realizing it this week.  However, it seems like she just picked it up naturally...or maybe she still remembers him. 

1 comment:

Lynn said...

I think she just remembers Him!!! Have I told you how much I love my grandchildren???? Love that story!