Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Words

Bea is definitely not as articulate as Henry was at this age in the pronunciation of words so it's hard for anyone but me and Henry to decipher what she is trying to communicate.  For example, even when she says "mommy" she doesn't even close her mouth all the way to say the ''m" sound and it comes out sounding slightly like "wah-wie".  Some of the fun words I can understand are...

Flush -- she loves flushing the toilet and now says flush when she does it
Chair -- this one sounds the most clear and I think she's extra proud of being able to say it because she's constantly pointing out every chair she sees to me. She also tries to say any word that rhymes with chair like bear and hair.
Pasta --  she loves eating her pasta every day!
Owie -- this one is the most hilarious because it's said super nasal and always with a scrunched up nose.
It's Hot -- every food I put in front of her she assumes is hot and looks up to me asking me if it's hot

The words and phrases she can not say she just says "na na na" in place of words but with the perfect inflection so you can easily tell what she's trying to say.  She says and signs, "all done" by saying "na na" with the inflection.  She also says, "na na na" for "here you go" and "I'm sorry" both with the correct inflection. 

One thing Bea does a lot is hit me in the face just for the entertainment value.  I try to tell her to not hit me very calmly and give her a serious look but she avoids any scolding by quickly pointing to my nose and saying "no" and then saying, "eyes, ears, mou(for mouth) and air(for hair)" Then she gives me such big hugs that it's hard for me to just put her down and ignore her for 10 minutes which is what they suggest you do if your baby is hitting you.  She's just so smart!

One thing she does when she knows she's doing something bad is when I catch her in the act, she points her finger at me and says, "no!" in that same nasal tone which is so funny to me.  I don't know how she got that because I make it a point to correct without saying no.  It is really cute though. 

So just to compare Henry with Bea at this point.  I think Henry recited the entire ABC's to me at this age and I still can't believe he was this young.  Goes to show how much more attention the first child gets.  Bea is no where near knowing her alphabet.  Poor neglected baby!


DCRomney 2010 said...

She says Bea, baby, Rirer and boots, too. And she is the cutest thing in the universe.

Sarah said...

Oh man, my second one is really in trouble then.