Sunday, May 30, 2010

Carefree baby

Remember that song from primary "Oh what do you do in the summertime?"  I really loved that song and I feel like I'm reliving those feelings I had back then as I watch my kids play outside.  It's been so nice to be outside all day long with the kids, working in the garden, pushing them on the swings, playing in the little pools and with the hose, watching for the raspberries to ripen and dreaming about heirloom tomatoes.  
We have made several trips to the zoo, we went camping a few weeks ago and we took the kids out on our friend's boat to ride the tube and watch dad rip it up on the wake board.  I think these kids have had a lot of fun in their short lives.

 Bea kissing the boy statue at the zoo

Bea screaming in delight at the animals at the petting zoo at our favorite farm, Soergels

Lounging in chairs at the campsite eating snacks

Great shot of Bea splashing in the tub -- one of her favorite past times.  We play in the bath every day in the winter when there's nothing else to do.


Lynn said...

I love her pure delight in Clementine's feet!! She is purely delighted in just about everything!! What a sweet one...nice big sister.

Paige said...

My favorite is Bea in the camp chair. So chill.