Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sickling in DC

I feel really bad, but I dragged Bea down to DC when she was sick with a fever. I thought it was just her second tooth coming in, but she was sick for about 5 days and so I pumped her full of ibuprofin and tylenol day and night. PLUS, it was 90 degrees outside which didn't help how uncomfortable she was. She was a trooper though and made it through. My kids actually get easier when they get sick. Does this happen to you? They take extra long naps and end up more lethargic and calm down significantly. Bea is already a calm baby, so it was even more pronounced. It was nice to have so many people at Christi's place who were willing to listen for her while she was sleeping so we could go off on adventures in the backyard or across the street in the stream. She didn't get to see much of the trip. "Just let me sleep" was pretty much her attitude throughout the whole trip.

She did have a run-in with River when he bit her on the cheek so hard that it left perfect teeth marked bruises on her cheek. They are actually still there but now it just looks like she's dirty and I forgot to wipe her face off. We speculate that he just thought it looked like a nice, juicy apple and wanted to take a bite. Dave thinks that sometime at BYU Bea's going to lure River on a date and when he goes in for a kiss, she'll bite him instead. Sweet retribution! haha! I didn't take a photo of the bite but should have. I was amazed that we drove for four and a half hours straight both ways without stopping and neither of my kids cried once. Thank you Heavenly Father for sending me such happy travelers!

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