Monday, May 25, 2009

She crawls and THEN rolls over

Well, Bea has finally figured out how to crawl, albeit slow, but like the tortoise, she keeps moving one limb at a time. After a few days of crawling she finally figured out how to roll over and now she's unstoppable. Has there ever been a child who crawls before rolling over? Anyone, anyone? Henry thinks it's really fun that she makes her way from one room to another to find where we are. I can see many hide and seek games in the future. The only problem is that now that she knows how to roll over, she rolls to her stomach and pushes herself to a sitting position in her crib when she's trying to fall asleep because it's just her reflex and she'll sit there, rubbing her eyes, totally sleepy, and not know how to get back down to sleep. Poor little pidget. I just let her cry in there until she figures it out.

1 comment:

Señora H-B said...

Our William did that. Maybe it's an Olson side recessive gene? ;)

She is a beautiful girl!