Thursday, March 8, 2012

Daily Tea

This tea pot was my grandmother's and the tea set I got for my bridal shower in Tokyo.  It's so special to use these with Bea.
Bea and I have a tea party just about every day.  It's our "special time".  She is getting really good at pouring the tea and gets really excited about all the "tiny food" I put on the plates and for the little cups, plates and spoons we use.  Just yesterday I tried to pour out of a new teapot and spilled it all over my plate.  Bea told me that she knew how to do it without spilling and that she would do it for me next time.  She felt so good about her tea pouring skills:)  Even though Bea is hard right now, I'm really looking forward to her growing up a little more so she can be more capable and we can enjoy more activities together.   


1 comment:

DCRomney 2010 said...

Bea and Nya... so important that they get their "special time" with Momma, huh?!
YAY, the orange shirt looks so cute on her!!!