Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Bea with her first Italian Easter egg.  This is actually a small one.  When I was there I got one that fit my whole head inside, but those were about $50 here so we got the $5 one.  They have presents inside:)
Two noteworthy things have happened recently.  First off, Bea has finally started speaking in full sentences.  For example I would tell her to say, "Please may I have a drink of water mommy?" and she would always repeat back, "have a dink pease, mommy" with some difficulty getting the words out and now, after about three weeks of some serious stuttering which I don't know where that came from, she finally will say the entire thing and also comes up with full sentences to say on her own.  Her favorite thing to say as of this week is..."Henry Jackson Hohl, please stop that now.  5,4,3,2,1!"  Wonder where she got that.

Bad action photo of Bea on the trampoline.  She just loves jumping.  When I got on, a couple of the rusty springs busted...and so I got off.  This trampoline is maybe 40 years old?
The other milestone is that she has officially potty trained herself.  It was during our trip to Boston that she just decided to go #2 in the potty every day and only had one accident since then.  I think it had a lot to do with the fact we were swimming and I forgot swim diapers so I told her that if she pooped in her swimsuit the pool would close forever.  She learned how to hold it in and now has no problems holding it and telling me when she needs to go.  She even goes all by herself most of the time without needing any help(except wiping).  She also changes her pull ups when they get too full of pee a couple times a day so I don't even need to do that anymore.  I do, however, have to pick the used pull-ups off the floor all over the house.  I have to work on getting her to throw them away, but I'm hoping she just starts to use the potty for everything very soon.  We have definitely come far from my first attempts at potty training.  I have to say that just letting your kid do it when they are ready is the way to go(unless you're like my amazing friend Christi who's kids are potty trained at birth).  No fight, no messes, nothing.  It's brilliant!


Alissa said...

Maybe she can teach Ella!

Laura said...

Potty trained is such a great milestone! I love that she tells Henry what to do and then counts down. That is so cute. We will miss your family when you are gone. Wish I could have spent more time with you.

Paige said...

Ok, I couldn't help but think of "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy" when you mentioned the pool closing forever. I think his deep thought went something like this: Wouldn't it be a good joke if you told your kids you're going to Disneyland and then actually drove to a dump and said that Disneyland burned down? That'd be really funny.
Anyway, just made me laugh. Glad she's pooping in the toilet!