Saturday, September 11, 2010

Potty Training Gone Bad

Well, Bea has been taking her diaper off in the crib and pooping and peeing all over her bedding and she hates poop in her diaper and takes her diaper off when she poops in it before I can get her to lie down to change so I bought her some little panties and I thought maybe she would catch on to going on the potty but boy was I wrong.  She had no ability to predict when she had to go and didn't even come close to making it to the potty both days we tried.

She even has a new baby doll with a potty chair and when it got some water in it from playing with it in the pool I sat her down on her little potty and squeezed it until some water came out of the joints and said, "look Bea, she went potty!".  Bea leaned over, looked in the doll potty chair picked it up and drank the water.  So I think we'll hold off for a little while.


Lynn said...

That is SOOOO funny!!! I love your comment...I think we'll hold off for awhile! :) How cute.

erica said...

wow. thanks for the smile!

julie said...

That was hysterical!!!!

Sarah said...

Have you tried again? I decided I love diapers (maybe because I only change it once a day!) and I'm not in any rush for the potty fiasco.