Friday, December 11, 2009


As soon as Bea seems to learn something, she seems to stop saying it.  I don't think I've heard her say mama in the last couple weeks and now she only says dada and doesn't call for me anymore.  She also won't wave goodbye anymore and prefers to just blow kisses.  She still only says a few words, mostly animal sounds.  Has anyone had this happen to them?


Alissa said...

Absolutely. One of Ella's first words was "dog" and she said it all the time. Then all of the sudden she stopped saying it. WOULD NOT say it. She would still point at dogs and pictures of dogs and give you a knowing look but it was almost like she couldn't say it. This went on for months. Then a week ago she started saying it again, this time with a little variation. I was talking to another pediatrician (a development specialist) about this and he said that in his experience language comes in two phases. First, the sounds that they imitate that kind of mean something, but not completely, and secondly when they really learn the words and their meanings. He further said that autistic kids don't actually regress when they stop saying their "words," it's just that they don't ever take that next step. {This latter part isn't proven, just his theory, but it does make sense.}

I also think they just learn new tricks, and get bored with the old ones.

Tracie said...

Yes, Colton did/does this too. I think I read somewhere that as soon as they master something, it's not exciting to them, so they move on to learn something else. I'm sure one of these days she will start using all the words she has learned up until now.

Paige said...

Yup. True true. (And great bit of knowledge, Alissa! Thanks!)

And I seriously still can't get over how much she looks like a Hohl!!! I swear she looks like a female/blonde/non-asian Wee-o in some photos!

Amelia Hohl said...

Paige, that's what I've been saying from the beginning! The photos I have of Stef as a little girl are almost identical apart from the coloring. She's going to be a little clone of Stef. I love it!

jtingey said...

I don't think this is related, at least genetically, to you. As soon as you started talking you kept it up and even invented words. Maybe Bea is just thinking a lot, and gets bored with things after a short time. If she likes the animal sounds keep teaching her those.

jess21stars said...

omgosh wow that kid is so cute. who bought that adorable hat! hehe