Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sock Model

Bea had her first official modeling gig today modeling socks for a company called Jazzy Toes. She and about 10 other babes, including cousin Matthew Chou, got their photos taken by a professional photographer in a studio for the website,

I have to say that Bea was a perfect little angel. She did everything they wanted her to do, smiled the whole time, had a great attitude, and looked darling. She had to change four times, and miss her morning nap by two hours and still didn't cry once. The Jazzy Toes creator and the photographer called her "the model of the day". I'm so proud of my girl! Photos to come soon.


Thayer said...

exciting! will it just be shots of her chubby ankles (no offense) or her face too?

Amelia Hohl said...

The photos are of the whole kitten caboodle. Chubby cheeks, chicklets and all!

Kyndal said...

Just saw the pics! The ones of Bea in the ladybug and sunflower flip flops are RIDICULOUSLY cute. What a sweetie!