Sunday, July 12, 2009

Baby Dentures?

Bea has two new teeth coming in and instead of being on the top, they're on the bottom! Now she has four teeth on the bottom and none on top which doesn't help her in the chewing department. By this time Henry had about 10 teeth and Bea is a ravenous eater so it's getting hard for me to give her the foods she wants when most of them require some more aggressive chewing. Do they make baby dentures? Hmmm....oh here it is!

BABY DENTURES:Don't take for granted your child's appearance after the early loss of his baby front teeth. This may cause speech defect and insecurities. We make beautiful baby dentures to bring back the smile in your child.

What will they think of next?


Tracie said...

Hmm... she must be related to Colton! He only has 5 teeth still, and is finally starting to teethe again, but is getting molars on the top on one side only. So he will have 3 teeth on the left side and none on the right.

Sarah said...

Tell Bea not to feel bad. Eva is still completely toothless.