Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Eskimo Baby

We went camping last weekend in Blackwater Falls,West Virginia  with an excursion to Seneca Rocks  and since it's September we knew it would get pretty chilly at night so I thought I packed some really warm sleeping clothes for Bea but, as I found out later, I misplaced them and couldn't find her snuggly night one piece so I ended up layering her clothes, her robe, and a sweatshirt to keep her warm at night.  She also had to sleep like that.

The second night she screamed for quite a few hours, possibly all night.  I was so tired I couldn't remember how long it was.  She's usually such a great sleeper but I could tell she was trying to fall asleep but since she has to suck on her tongue with her blankie on her lips to fall asleep and with the cold she acquired, her nose was all stuffed up so she couldn't calm down and get comfortable.  Where's a snot sucker ball when you need one!!? That was pretty brutal but other than that, she had a fantastic time.

She really had fun exploring the campsite, eating moss, tasting snakes(click on photo below), playing in the river, running away from Henry, and doing her first rock climbing.

At the climbing site and up at the top of Seneca Rocks she was pretty hard core about manouvering around the tree roots, rocks and other obstacles.  She showed some very impressive problem solving skills that were pretty amazing to me.  She did fall and roll down a few small hills, but recovered quickly. 

One other thing is that she's saying her first word other than mama and dada.  And that, just like Henry, is Uh Oh.  I really love Uh Oh.  She says it when she drops anything or throws anything to the floor.  She usually looks up at me with a guilty look and says it under her breath.  Henry thinks it's hilarious, and so do I.  I love my little Uh Oh girl:)

                    This is right after one of her little spills.  I think she looks adorable with leaves in her hair:)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh man. Please don't hate me forever. sick baby + camping sounds like a complete nightmare to me! Glad she's such a trooper though!