Saturday, April 4, 2009

All that purple and no results

Well many of you already know that Bea got thrush because of the antibiotics she took for her ear infection in January and after three different medications, we still haven't been able to get rid of it and I'm just going to have to live with it until I stop breastfeeding. That means I'll have had it for about 6 months and it's so painful and horrible. There's no end to my breastfeeding woes and issues is there? Here is a photo of Bea with a purple mouth in her last treatment which was ginsin violet which was supposed to dry out her mouth so much so that it died. It only stained all her clothes with no results.


Alissa said...

Have you tried diflucan? It's a liquid medicine that you give her for about a week. I have MUCH better luck with it than I do with Nystatin or the purple gunk.

Amelia Hohl said...

Yes, I already tried it and that one was the one that I was more vigilant about and it still didn't work. I gave it to her every day for about four weeks and then at some point in the beginning of the third week I took three doses of diflucan to get rid of it in me and on the third day I had an episode that was so painful and I was like, how can I have taken three days of medication and have an outbreak right at the end of it? You tell me.