Sunday, January 4, 2009

Saturday Night Fever

Bea has been sick since last Wednesday morning with a fever, cough, cold, and probably an ear infection. We went to the pediatricians two days ago and they said she didn't have an infection but that there was a little fluid in her ear. Last Night, however, her fever spiked at 105 and she has been grabbing her ear, screaming, and screams even harder if I hold her poor little head. She hasn't stopped crying for days, she cries all night long and I haven't had more than four hours of sleep since she got sick. Every hour she wakes up and I have to hold her for at least a half hour to calm her down and sometimes she nurses, but usually she doesn't want to eat anything. It seems that as soon as I put her down she's up again. When I have to re-administer her medication, it usually takes about an hour to change her diaper, calm her down, feed her and get her back to sleep. I am impressed though that through it all, she still manages to find her toes while I'm changing her diaper and plays with them while she's screaming. Please keep her in your prayers and hopefully her fever will break and she won't be in so much pain. My heart breaks when I see my darling baby girl suffer so much.

I don't even remember more than two times total that I ever had to stay up with Henry all night long. He was always really easy when he got sick and just slept right through everything. I NEVER had to lull him back to sleep after feeding him and I can only remember ONE TIME he woke up after a nighttime feeding and had to stay up for more than 15 minutes with him AND that time he was totally happy and cute. I am realizing more and more how easy that boy was!


ChrisnDave said...

Oh no....!!! Poor little Bea!!!
Rio's been pretty sick lately too - had to take him to the ER for a racemic epi nebulizer the other night - and he keeps landing on his face so his upper gums are super swollen - and he fell out of the car so he's got this massive laceration on his head - oh kids, always an adventure! Hope you get some sleep soon!!!

Laurel Dougall said...

i'm so sorry, amelia! i hope she gets better soon!!!

Sarah said...

This might sound sick but the La Leche League ladies swear that if you pour a little bit of breast milk in their ear it will clear up and ear infection. I hope she's doing better!