Friday, September 19, 2008

Breastfeeding Nightmares

I don't know if anyone has as big of a problem breastfeeding as I do. I'm engorged for about a week during which time I have to freeze my breast with ice and then manually express/squeeze the milk out while it's throbbing and tender (think of mammogram X100) eight times per day until the pump can finally get the milk out when the engorgement ends, then, I have to pump every two hours for an entire month while my babies won't latch on. Then when my babies start latching on, I get so sore that tears come out while I nurse and I've even cried a few times because of the pain. I have to use the football hold on my right side which makes it impossible to nurse in public and since I have to smash my baby's face on to nurse, I have to use my other hand to make sure my babies can breathe and that leaves no hands for making sure I'm not exposing myself. Bea also doesn't open her mouth unless she's screaming, so I have to make her cry and then shove her face on and that, as you can imagine, draws a lot of attention. These are just the problems I feel comfortable admitting online. There are many more issues I won't embarrass myself by exposing. Is there good news? Yes, I actually have enough milk this time after all my efforts(yea, no expensive formula!) and I'm actually symmetrical on both sides not like I was with Henry when I was a size D on the left and an A/B on the right. Good thing I was carrying Henry on my front for months so I could hide it. Anyway, it's on the up and up and hopefully I'll be able to nurse in public so I can go places soon!


Jones Family said...

i'm so proud of you for breastfeeding!! even when it's a nightmare. i'm very keen on it myself -- in fact, do i dare say it? i'm still nursing myzoe and she's 2.5 yrs. once or twice a day. a le leche league posterwoman perhaps. anyway, congrats on your daughter beatrice.

girlsgirlsgirls -- it's a marvelous life with a girl in the mix. bless you!


Alissa said...

I feel for you. Breastfeeding has not been easy for me, either. One of the nurses at the hospital sent me home with black tea bags to help with the soreness. Who knows if it really helps.
My issue is with supply, although it is getting better with Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle. Do you have a Hooter Hider? It makes public nursing a little more comfortable...good luck!

julie said...

Oh Amelia,
I seriously feel for you! I haven't had problems breastfeeding, but I know that intitial pain when they don't quite get on. I would have to grip something or I would scream. I am totally lop sided too. I have been like that with all of my babies. I just weaned Lucy last week and I am hoping they will go back to normal. Hang in there!!!

Paige said...

Oh man, I seriously feel like breastfeeding is one of the initiations into motherhood. It bites. Well, it's really really hard in the beginning, then it gets a bit easier, but I never thought it was EASY. I got mastitis three times and it was horrible. Hang in there - even if it's for nothing else than avoiding the INSANE expense of formula!

Autumn KIMBALL said...

Amelia congrats on the babe, (so cute). Listen Hot showers helped me and pumping after i was done feeding one of the boys helped make sure i had no clogged ducts..prevents being engorged. To much info i am sure but i seriously hated that part of the ride. Good luck

Jodi said...

you crack me up! what a nightmare. way to stick to it though. it'll pay off! so what does Henry do during this whole charade? I bet you are busy all day just pumping, nursing, and changing diapers. wow, what a life!

Sarah said...

I hated nursing. I never knew how hard it would be but now that I'm there, I'm amazed at how many women have problems with it. You'd think it would just come naturally. I had the hardest time with it and it is just now getting comfortable (6 weeks in). So now that you have sympathy, here's my 2 cents. Cabbage leaves and the Medela nipple shield. The cabbage leaves feel so good if you just place them on the engorged areas and they even have a bit of milk inhibitor in them. They felt so good. An Eva wouldn't latch for about a month without the nipple shield b/c she wouldn't open her mouth either. But then she just got over it I guess and she can nurse without it. All these lovely things we get to do as women...