Monday, September 21, 2009

Teeter Toddler

I didn't jump to the computer, nor did I call my loved ones when Bea started walking like when Henry did.  Maybe it was because it was so gradual that it wasn't so amazing when she finally took a whole bunch of steps all together.  She basically took her first stable steps the week after her Birthday so it's been almost a month since then and she's still not as stable as Henry was right away.  One thing's for sure, she LOVES to walk and has completely abandoned crawling even when it gets tough and frustrating.  She's so wabbly that it's always entertaining to just watch her.  One thing I'm happy about is that she never wanders off too far and always comes back when I call her which is something totally new for me.  Henry used to just head in the opposite direction and never look back.  Bea, however, always looks back, gives me a scrunchy smile and a giggle and walks as fast as she can to hug me.

Bea had a friend come to visit last week named Eva.  She is exactly her age, has the same manorisms, walks about the same, talks the same but is about twice her size in height and weight.  This baby is so chubby and tall! I loved hugging her squishy little body. I doubt I'll ever have a super chubby and squishy baby:( Bea played with her in the warm pools out back, tried to teach her how to eat all her food, toddled around and tried to avoid being attacked by Henry.  The girls were on almost the exact opposite nap schedule, but it worked out for us to not have both wandering babies all over the house all day long. Bea tried to teach Eva how to climb up the slide, but a wet slide with naked babies going up and a big brother coming down does not add up to success.  Usually she can do it in a bout 5 seconds but got really frustrated when she kept slipping down.  I, however, didn't mind watching the whole spectacle:)


Sarah said...

We had so much fun at your place. Eva had a ball with little Bea. I love the pics from the pool. I wish we would have video taped the slide escapades. That was hilarious.

Autumn KIMBALL said...

love this naked wrestling...I know this well (with my boys that is) congrats on the new are prego right?!