In case you don't know, it's berry season and you need to find your local pick-your-own farm and go raspberry picking in the next month. We have been collecting mulberries, strawberries and black raspberries this week and have been enjoying the raspberries from our own wonderful patch.
Mulberries could possibly be the messiest berry to pick since they grow on fairy tail umbrella trees and fall off rather easily when the tree is shaken. It's impossible to keep Bea from crawling all over them and covering her whole body in blue so I just let her crawl around, eating mulberries and turning blue all day long.
Picking raspberries is the worst since I don't want her to get pricked. She basically has to stay strapped in her stroller the whole time and watches painfully as all the other children gobble them up and are free to run wild between the rows of canes. Hopefully we won't have to go more than two more times to get the stock pile I'm hoping for. Hurray for berries!