Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bea's First Christmas

Bea had tons of fun this Christmas hanging out with all her cousins, grandparents and especially Courtney, Justin's sister, who couldn't get enough of her smiley chubbiness. Bea's spotlight was playing Baby Jesus in the live Nativity. All the kids were surprisingly good and luckily it was so warm on Christmas Eve because she only wore her diaper in the manger. I was very blessed during this week because my prayers were answered and she slept great through the night and even slept for most of the day on Christmas while I was preparing dinner. She is becoming very smiley and every time she wakes up from her naps she gets a gigantic smile on her face, even if she's been sobbing for five minutes (because her cry is so soft I can't always hear her right away. Even the monitor doesn't pick her up) she immediately stops crying and smiles for me. Bea got some fancy new toys from Nanna B, which she loves to play with, and she was entertained by all the family who came to visit which made her very content with life. Bea is such a sweet little thing. We just love having her as an addition to our family!


Thayer said...

still waiting for my sleeping through the night prayers to be answered ;) but glad Bea is doing it. She looks like such a sweetie - we can't wait to meet her.

ChrisnDave said...

tooooooooooooooooooo cute! i miss that girl! and little mr. henners too! i need to see them soon!!!

Tracie said...

oh, I wish we could have been there with you guys! Bea is so cute. I love how chubby yet little she is! Can't wait to meet her!

Sarah said...

That smile is so cute! She does take after the Hohl side, doesn't she. But I heard babies look more like their dad and first and then slowly morph.

jess21stars said...

i love bea's lil face. its so perfectly round and adorable!