Sunday, March 21, 2010


Bea is getting attached to quite a few things lately and just tonight I realized that I may be in a lot of trouble.  Everywhere she goes she drags along with her...

1. Her small blankie which she calls her "beezy"
2. Her stuffed animal doggie called "doddie"
3. Her baby doll called "baby"
4. The blanket that we wrap her doll up in
5. Her large fluffy pink blanket

I can barely breathe as I carry all that stuff and her down the stairs after each nap.  Tonight I had everything except her dog which got left in the car but she was calling, "doddie, doddie" in a very desperate voice and didn't settle down until I retrieved the doggie and she had everything in order, even her baby doll wrapped up in her blanket. I am in deep trouble if anything happens to any of those things.   What should I do? Please tell me.